Month: November 2016

Focus and Concentration Come With Building Indoor Forts for Kids

Posted November 29, 2016 by Fort Magic

How many times did it ring in your ears as a child? “Sit still!” It holds true through the generations. Wiggles and giggles accompany childhood. Seemingly bitten by the energy bug and filled with natural curiosity, kids bounce from one thought to another and one activity to the next. The whirlwind has the potential to …

STEM Learning With Magical Dream and Blanket Forts

Posted November 26, 2016 by Fort Magic

Dreams rest in the hearts and minds of children waiting to burst forth. In these formative years, nothing seems impossible and options lay wide open. Many of these dreams are birthed and grown in the no-limits, safe space of the blanket fort. Cool blanket forts offer a world where kids explore interests and personalities while …

How to Build a STEM Fort with Newspapers

Posted November 21, 2016 by Fort Magic

Despite video and online sources becoming a primary outlet for the news, parents can still encourage their kids to learn the value of a newspaper. Even the youngest child loves to mimic Dad as he eats breakfast while reading the paper. With encouragement, this behavior extends beyond a physical copying to an intellectual one. In …

Learning Inspiration with Light Table Activities, Forts and Kids

Posted November 19, 2016 by Fort Magic

Holiday lights, Lite Brite, and even basic flashlights bring us back to memories of childhood. The magical lights of shooting stars and fireflies remind us of the freedom we once knew to discover and wonder and dream. Light illuminated inspires young minds. Add this inspiration to a fort with light table activities and you capture this …

Inspire A Love of Learning In Kids With Forts

Posted November 15, 2016 by Fort Magic

Love Of Learning

From the moment of birth, kids demonstrate their wiring to explore the world and learn. Responses to voice and sound teach them to communicate. Tactile experiences of feeding and play develop their senses, components of speech and understanding of the natural world. Watching the interactions and natural occurrences around them draw their interest and engage …

Self Expression and Confidence Building Games for Kids Include Fort Building

Posted November 7, 2016 by Fort Magic


As parents, we would wrap our kids in bubble wrap and clad them in armor if we could protect them from the pain that the world can bring. In fact, we might just let them live out their days in the safety of that backyard or living room fort. Under our watchful eye, certainly, they …