Month: March 2017

Raising Strong, Confident Girls With Forts

Posted March 25, 2017 by Fort Magic

large size fort kits

As parents, we agree that raising enthusiastic, confident girls is a worthy goal. After all, timidity and self-doubt leave young girls and the subsequent young women unprotected. Enthusiasm and confidence blend to develop girls destined to change the world from their vantage point. Now, I am not referring to brash, bossy, lacking-in-humility confidence. Rather, I …

Smiling and Happy Children Stem From Fort Building Projects

Posted March 17, 2017 by Fort Magic

From a familiar cartoon rings the jingle, “happy, happy, joy, joy.” This simple phrase captures the essence of fort building for happy children. In truth, don’t the moments of giggles and laughter outweigh, outlast and outpace the down times of fort building? If we admit it, not one of us dreaded playtime while building forts as …

Reaping the Rewards of Family Fun With a Fort Building Kit

Posted March 13, 2017 by Fort Magic

When was the last time you, your spouse, your kids engaged in some family fun? Played a game? Built a fort? Ate dinner together? (And, no, in the car does not count.) Has the routine and hectic pace of life left you starved for a few moments of togetherness? The natural course of our lives …

Exploring Engineering for Kids With Fort Magic and Learning to Build

Posted March 4, 2017 by Fort Magic

Engineering “that’s a lot of fun, that gets kids jumping up and down and screaming” sparks the imaginations of youngster says Dori Roberts, an engineering educator and developer of Engineering for Kids. Are you surprised? Do you find it hard to believe? Just take a look at kids building forts, and you get a taste …