Month: June 2016

Get in the Game with Summer Forts

Posted June 27, 2016 by Fort Magic

Running, jumping, leaping – these activities of summer occur in yards across the country when temperatures heat up. Yet, the pull of more sedentary activities robs our kids of the joy and benefits of running wildly through the grass. Physical activity and sports link to improved academic performance, cognitive performance and brain health.   Summer …

How To Raise Smart Kids Through Play

Posted June 24, 2016 by Fort Magic

Children love to play! What may seem like a rather meaningless activity is actually quite meaningful to kids. In fact, parents should encourage their kids to play in a variety of different ways. All types of play have cognitive advantages, and the more kids engage in playful activities, the more it helps their cognitive development. …

Sensory Play - Touch, Look, Listen, Smell and Taste With Fort Magic

Posted June 20, 2016 by Fort Magic

Think back to a favorite childhood memory and the sense that most often triggers it. Does the feel of dough between your fingers remind you of being in the kitchen with Grandma? Does the color combination of red and purple stir familiar feelings inside you? Perhaps the spring sun on your skin gathers memories of …

10 Benefits Of Playtime - Yes, It's Time to Play!

Posted June 14, 2016 by Fort Magic

what are the benefits of play

Underestimating the importance of play in the early years of development and growth of children is a mistake well-meaning parents often make. Playtime is as important for kids as working is for adults. They learn, grow, and become better people from playing. Plus, it is the ultimate way for them to learn, reduce stress, and …

Growing Kids and Creativity With Forts

Posted June 7, 2016 by Fort Magic

Creativity grasps the concept of what is and imagines the possibilities of all that could be. “We all have creative potential,” says Mark Runco, Ph.D., director of the University of Georgia’s Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development. “Our job as parents and teachers is to help kids fulfill it.”   For parents, growing kids’ …

How to Inspire Courage Through Play and Creativity

Posted June 1, 2016 by Fort Magic

Childhood memories often return us to simpler days where responsibility ran low and feet ran fast – the days were long and play was our primary work. Those days taught us, grew us into the adults we are now, and built us in complex ways of which we were unaware. And they are doing the …