Month: February 2021

Take STEM Home Learning To The Next Level With Forts

Posted February 26, 2021 by Fort Magic

stem home learning

STEM has become a popular word that you may hear other parents and educators throw around often about how children learn. The acronym stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM learning is an approach to learning and development that integrates these areas together. Fort Magic is here to help you and your child take …

Bed Forts & Bedtime With The Fort Magic Kit

Posted February 19, 2021 by Fort Magic

fort kit for bedtime

Bedtime is something usually that kids associate with being boring and no fun. Some may even cry when it is that time every night. Are you looking for ideas so your kids don’t fight you every night and make bedtime enjoyable? Fort Magic Building kits can put the fun at bedtime with bed forts. Bed …

Big Kids Explore Space Science With Their Fort Magic Kit

Posted February 12, 2021 by Fort Magic

space fort

Did you know that careers in STEM-related fields are the fastest-growing jobs with growth expected to remain high? Did you also know that Fort Magic building kits are a great way to infuse play with learning and building on those STEM skills? Fort building is a great way to teach kids of all ages about …

Build Enchanting Forts With The Fort Magic Fort Building Kit

Posted February 5, 2021 by Fort Magic

fairy tale fort

Are your children caught up in fairytales? Dreaming of castles and carriages, princes and princesses, and even the royal guard. Here at Fort Magic, we love to see kids playing and learning at the same time. Building a fort is a great way for kids to use their imagination as well as problem-solving skills and …